🇬🇷 Von @ICRC: "In Griechenland gingen 2021 bei der HRC Such- & RFL-Abt. des HRC und der ICRC-Vertretung in Athen Suchanfragen von Familien zu 744 vermissten Personen ein, von denen 38% minderjährig waren." =>
via @katymfallon
From @ICRC "In Greece, 2021, the HRC Tracing and RFL Division and the ICRC Delegation in Athens received tracing requests from families of 744 missing persons, 38% of which were minors." & according to IOM 3,300 people died/went missing in 2021 while attempting to reach Europe.
— Katy Fallon (@katymfallon) August 30, 2022
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