⚫️ 581 zivile Opfer, die in #Libyen🇱🇾 v. Januar 2020 - März 2022 v. staatl. Behörden & Milizen ermordet wurden - Menschen, in Haftanstalten hingerichtet o. zu Tode gefoltert - dokumentiert @omctorg im 1. Bericht, der s. dieses Themas annimmt:
via @ecre
581 civilians killed in Libya between January 2020 and March 2022, this is almost one person killed every day, and many more friends and family members in mourning.
— OMCT (@omctorg) September 28, 2022
Our report is the first one to speak about them ▶️ https://t.co/vPbSAL1pWu pic.twitter.com/ZmCMQBHjSj
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