#Thread about what you are going to find on this account and what kind of people are rejected here: #hilo

If you think it is irrelevant to fight for a world where vaccines are free, that it is normal that there are vaccines protected by patents and ©, and in case of being experimental they can be used equally in mass vaccination regardless of the lack of information and of informing about the side effects from short to long term, protecting from top to bottom all responsible for making a person give in to vaccination, charging on the latter all possible responsibility, when if he was informed directly or indirectly of all the side effects it will cause him, he would be able by himself to refuse it.

If your only way to defend copyright and/or authorship is to adhere (or submit) to the industry's discourse, attacking in a generalized and indiscriminate way anyone who refuses to submit to their abuses, you are part of them or a scapegoat ready to justify more oppressive laws against specific groups of people who are fighting to enforce a copyright linked to free and public licenses, such as FOSS and FOSH, also copyleft and public domain.

If you believe that LGBT is weak and insufficient to fully manifest the sexual orientation and gender of people (other than heterosexuals but next to these) who struggle to live in a free and peaceful society both externally and internally, accepting that politics, companies and individuals can manipulate at will the meaning of the same and add to convenience all that they deem appropriate presenting it as something good.

You were born lacking in spirit (aka divine spark) or your spirit is negative.

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