"Shufflecake is a tool for Linux that allows creation of multiple hidden volumes on a storage device in such a way that it is very difficult, even under forensic inspection, to prove the existence of such volumes. Each volume is encrypted with a different secret key, scrambled across the empty space of an underlying existing storage medium, and indistinguishable from random noise when not decrypted. Even if the presence of the Shufflecake software itself cannot be hidden -- and hence the presence of secret volumes is suspected -- the number of volumes is also hidden. This allows a user to create a hierarchy of plausible deniability, where 'most hidden' secret volumes are buried under 'less hidden' decoy volumes, whose passwords can be surrendered under pressure. In other words, a user can plausibly 'lie' to a coercive adversary about the existence of hidden data, by providing a password that unlocks 'decoy' data. Every volume can be managed independently as a virtual block device, i.e. partitioned, formatted with any filesystem of choice, and mounted and dismounted like a normal disc. The whole system is very fast, with only a minor slowdown in I/O throughput compared to a bare LUKS-encrypted disk, and with negligible waste of memory and disc space."

"You can consider Shufflecake a 'spiritual successor' of tools such as Truecrypt and Veracrypt, but vastly improved. First of all, it works natively on Linux, it supports any filesystem of choice, and can manage up to 15 nested volumes per device, so to make deniability of the existence of these partitions really plausible."

Introducing Shufflecake: plausible deniability for multiple hidden filesystems on Linux

#solidstatelife #cryptography #steganography


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