Disgusted by some Swedes in France blaming the problem of bed bugs in France on African migrants.

The racism in Sweden is spreading even among those living in France too!


#France’s health minister says country not ‘invaded by #bedbugs’ and urges calm

France’s health minister has assured the French public that there’s “no reason for widespread panic” as #Paris reports a “widespread” rise in bedbugs.

Speaking to French radio station France Inter, Aurelien Rousseau condeded that “when you see them around you, when you have bedbugs in your home, it’s a nightmare” but assured listeners that “we haven’t been invaded by bedbugs.”

The National Institute for the Study and Control of Bedbugs (INELP) told CNN on Monday that the level of bedbug infestation in France is worse than previous years but treatable.

“Bedbugs have been increasingly present in France for two or three years now, regularly peaking in the summer. But this year, we’ve gone beyond all other years,” INELP president Marie Effroy said, adding that the jump started “at the end of August, beginning of September.”

Effroy went on to say that “there’s a bedbug problem, but at the same time, there’s a kind of #paranoia going on because people hear about bedbugs.”

#Racism #Europe #Media