pasting this, a reply which got a fair mite het up to ranty [ #DigitsRants ], in response to a fellow ranter. n_n but good ranty, right? mild n positive... yeah? what do you think:

also, have you looked into the living trusts set up for each of us when we’re born? or how banks make money, and what fiat currency could do for us, and what usury is, and how much worse the bankers of today are doing is? or the trillions extracted dozens of ways, through the insurance scams, the taxation scams, the inflation & devaluation & misdistribution, the overt military, the covert military, the corporate sabotage of emancipatory technologies to maintain their rigged game of perpetual rents, the gold thefts and other market manipulations, the destructions of abundance to manufacture scarcity to further meeting wealth extraction maximisation mandates… the list goes on and on… once the hundreds of trillions sequestered hits the quintillions, you already realise that the amount of wealth extracted is dwarfed by the amount of wealth destroyed and that we are all millionaires… once alleviated of the burden from parasitic kleptarchy.

that some have three extra pittances compared to those who are scrapping for a pittance, seems a misdirect to divide and conquer, distracting from the man behind the curtain, getting us to play pitchforks vs torches. that the normie middle-class climber boomer sorts are enthusiastically obedient and complicit is detrimental, but not sufficiently upstream in the realms of problem spaces and solution spaces, for remedy, and instead likely to just perpetuate more mess. gotta see their fellow victimhood more and louder than complicity. … their (infuriating) stubborn unquestioning complicity. yeah, i know it irks. but if we fight them for their hoarded dormant wealth earned by having wealth, by happenstance of fortune of timing of the tyrant-crooks’ schedule, then we’ll be complicit in keeping us down too; we’ll be complicit in the destruction of more wealth, causing more disempowerment by impoverishment, complicit in the great global heist, paving the way to… anthrocide? ecocide? omnicide? … so yeah, even the richest off us, can be better off, once we stop holding ourselves back; once we stop seeking to extract and maximise extraction; once we get creative more than competitive, in our commerce and collaborations; once we unleash the secreted emancipatory technologies, and eliminate the incentivisation of repression/suppression/oppression for that wealth extraction maximisation circular reason that races us to the anihilation and extinction bottom; once we de-secret the secreted emancipatory technologies, including different “monetary” models, then we can explore space, both inner and outter, together, forever, in peace.

i mean, do you have spaceships yet? and the peace of mind reasurance that because everybody else have spaceships already too, no one is seeking to take it from you? #spaceshipsforeverybody

y’know it’s far more than just cannabis/hemp they suppressed in the lost century, right? free energy, zero inertia propulsion, matter energy transfer, … so many paradigm changing technologies… and yet we’re kept from it, and directed to attack each other because some got more factory tokens? ??? we could all be polymaths in the making, not slaves in training! humanity! stop falling for these ploys to hate and attack each other, and remove the chains that were upon us because of that deception unto infighting and other reasons. vent not as much at the boomer being hozed and complicitly complying with that hozing, as those doing the hozing. #lookup

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