The concept of Western domination promoted by the United States and many other Western, partly subordinate countries does not provide for the harmonious development of all of humanity. On the contrary, we must deal with the Western minority’s never-ending striving for military, political, financial and economic expansion. Their slogans change: they promote #globalization, then Westernization, Americanization, universalization, liberalization, etc. But the essence remains the same – they strive to subordinate every independent player and force them to play by the rules that are beneficial to the West.
Therefore, I would say, if we would like to have more equality among human, we have to accept that we Westerners may have to pay more for #coffee and other materials, products from ‘former’ colonies. Furthermore, if this change would lead to a more peaceful world, we could use billions of taxpayers’ money paid for military expenditure for humanitarian purposes and environmental protection.
#peace #defence-industry #money #freedom #Niger #Hawaii #Taiwan #independence
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