You can turn your non-smart TV into an Android TV with just a Raspberry Pi

TV screen in the background showing a title on i: Cook's Country Channel. In the foreground is a Raspberry Pi computer with a CPU fan fitted to it.
This should work just fine, but also consider using any other mini PC. I used an Intel NUC with 8 GB of RAM, and with Manjaro Linux on it, it does not only movie streaming very well, but just about everything else too.

Although I have an β€œearly” 3D smart TV, I always found the apps that came on the TV to be a bit crippled vs the full website functionality you could have.

An added bonus is, your OS is always updating unlike most smart TV’s after the first year or two, so you get richer features for many years if you connect a Raspberry Pi or mini PC to your TV.

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