PrivateBin and MicroBin compared as alternatives to Pastebin for text and file sharing

Teal colour background with text in white: Pastebin alternatives PrivateBin vs MicroBin. On the right side is an image of the left side of a woman's head, with numerous 1's and 0's swirling around inside it.
Pastebin is a long text and code snippet sharing site. The site has some limitations for free accounts, and does not allow file uploads.

Pastebin recently flagged one of my pastes as spam, so I needed to look for an alternative. The best two open source self-hosted alternatives I found were PrivateBin and MicroBin, both of which do what Pastebin does, and sharing of files. My video takes you through a comparison I did to try to decide which of the two would be best for me to use. I also mention a workaround for not being able to remove a MicroBin paste, and demonstrate how both these applications work.

Watch my video at…
#Blog, #alternativesto, #opensource, #pastebin, #selfhosting, #technology

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