Best Straight Razor for Beginners and Pros
Straight razors are also often referred to as straight edge razor, cutthroat, barber, cut-throat, cut throat, open, open-blade, straight edge, straight blade and straight-edge razor -or as Shakespeare put it: “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet“.
With the many straight razors on the market all claiming to be the top pick of the century or the best straight razor for beginners, it is a daunting process to choose the straight razor most likely to provide you with the best result. We all want the best for ourselves which is only natural.
However, finding the perfect straight razor is not always an easy process. The fact that there are several brands, makes and models of the straight razor in the market do not make the decision-making process any easier.
Personally I think you can learn better with a proper straight razor vs a shavette as I found the shavette was not as forgiving (maybe that's just me). Startup costs for a straight razor will be more, and you can delay getting the honing stone for a year, but costs after that get very cheap as you're not replacing and disposing of blades at all. Allow a good 15 to 20 shaves to get the hang of stropping as the initial muscle memory takes a while to get just right.
See 10 Best Straight Razors for Beginners & Pros (Review & Buyers Guide)
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Finding the best straight razor depends on your preference and experience. Our guide tells you what you need to know before you buy and where to get good deals.
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