What would you do with a parasite that can't live without your help, but which has vowed to destroy you if it's allowed to live?

Why are we letting red state welfare oligarchs mooch off of blue states?

FTA: America is rapidly bifurcating — becoming two nations — and one of the main drivers of the process is a federal system that encourages Red states to mooch off Blue states, using essentially stolen tax money to reinvent the old Confederacy, “own the libs,” and wage “war on woke.” [emphasis mine]

Most Red states have become oligarchic white supremacist medieval-like fiefdoms with obscene levels of often multigenerational wealth at the top, extreme poverty at the bottom, and working people, women, and minorities kept in subordinate roles through explicit government and corporate policy.

Is the following a description of the USA or of a backward country run by a ruthless dictator? (Hint: "All of the above" is an acceptable answer.)

... Fewer than 2000 families — six-tenths of one percent of the Southern population — owned more than 50 enslaved people [is this supposed to read, "50% of enslaved people"?] and ruled the oligarchy that we call the Confederacy with an iron fist. The 75 percent of white people in the South during that era who did not own any enslaved persons generally lived in deep poverty.

Women had no rights, queer people were routinely tortured and murdered, education for both enslaved Africans and poor whites was generally outlawed, religious attendance was often mandated, and hunger and disease stalked all but those in the families of the two thousand morbidly rich planter dynasties. [<-- I object to the use of the past tense in these sentences. They should read, "Women have no rights, queer are routinely tortured, education... is generally outlawed, religious attendance is mandated, and hunger and disease stalk..." All these horrors are true of red states in the 2020s.]

The list of damning facts goes on and on. You should read the whole article. America's red states -- roughly half the country -- have fully embraced fascism, whether the rubes realize it or not. (That's the great thing about rubes: They never realize anything.) I concluded decades ago that I could never live in a red state (even though I grew up in Virginia, a state that wavers between red and purple). And red states have only grown orders of magnitude worse since then.

Meanwhile, many red-staters openly wish for another Civil War, or at least for the red and blue states to go their separate ways. I say, Let them go, let them live for a while with their choices, let them turn into the third-world shit-hole of their fantasies, then invade them and install sane governments. Right-wing nut jobs know how to talk to the rubes, but they don't know how to build nukes, or power stations, or water purification, etc. Hell, for all their pro-capitalist bluster, they don't even know how to keep themselves solvent. (Hence the need for us to put them on financial life support one our dime.)

They can't live without us. We are under no obligation to keep them alive. They wish to destroy us. Draw your own conclusion.

#RedVsBlue #Injustice #WeDontNeedThem
