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#COMET REPORT: Comet ZTF (C/2022 E3) is approaching Earth for a close encounter (0.28 AU) on Feb. 1st. "The comet is just visible to the naked eye--if you know where to look," reports Alan Dyer of Gleichen, Alberta. He photographed it last night about midway between the Big and Little Dippers:

"The dust tail, anti-tail and long ion tail were visible to the camera, but in binoculars only a short stubby dust tail was obvious," Dyer says. "Otherwise, the comet looked like a large fuzzy glow in binoculars."

Jan Curtis of Oracle, Arizona, also photographed the comet last night. "I saw it under near-perfect skies," he says. "The comet is now moving 9.8 arcmin/hour (the Moon's diameter in just 3 hours). I'd estimate the comet's brightness at +5.3 with the gaseous ion tail extending more than 5 degrees."

The comet's motion across the sky will accelerate as it approaches Earth, making it harder to track even as it becomes easier to see. If current trends continue, the comet's brightness will peak on Feb. 1-2 around magnitude +5, an easy target for backyard astrophotographers. Look for it in the constellation #Draco.

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