Dark and Mystical Waters and #Astrology Forecast December 3-9
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..."The New Moon in Sagittarius is at 6:32 PM Eastern and 3:32 PM Pacific on December 12.

It is followed by Mercury Retrograde at 2:09 AM Eastern on December 13, which is Pacific on December 12 at 11:09 PM.

So this week, before that big shift of a fiery New Moon in Sagittarius as Mercury goes Retrograde; we have a darkening Moon as we are getting closer and closer to Winter Solstice on December 21.

So in effect we have a darkening Moon and “darkening Sun” this week.

And this week, midweek on Wednesday we have dreamy mystical Neptune changing from Retrograde to Direct.

Planets changing directions, either from Direct to Retrograde or Retrograde to Direct, have their energy and meaning experienced and felt more strongly than usual.

So Neptune going Direct Wednesday gives us a couple days surrounding that shift with energies beckoning us into inner dimensions, foggy twilight, and deeply soulful feelings.

Pushing forward with strong agenda is not recommended; pushing for linear certainty will be more difficult than usual.

Best way to experience Neptune is to go inward, be reflective, be more trusting of the Universe, inner soul realms, and your “higher self”. Let go and trust the flow.

Also this week Venus moves out of Libra and into Scorpio on Monday just hours before the 4th quarter Moon begins.

Venus in Scorpio takes us out of relating in pleasant, civilized Libra vibrations and into relating with “at the core” “get it on” passions of Scorpio. Venus stays in Scorpio until December 29 when it goes into more free-spirited optimistic Sagittarius."...

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