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#freeman #freezone
The powers that be have a vision. We do not. This allows them to creep towards their goal unseen and keeps us mindlessly seeking answers to the problems they provide. Will we choose our own path or continue to react in opposition instead of creating our own social evolution.

Contemplating avatars, wayshowers, and liberators—individuals who disrupt the status quo, offering a reality check, a social evolution, an inoculation, a catalyst that transforms the system.

In a world filled with darkness and fear, these teachings offer a beacon of light. By seeking the divine in all things and embracing love and compassion, we can overcome fear and suffering.

We need America geared towards coercing disadvantaged people into social service programs that put them on the problem resolution and productive self-sufficiency tracks. And divert all this wasteful spending, the billions of dollars, away from shelter in place outreach.

Frater X draws a parallel between the "unclean demons" or Nephilim in ancient times and the contemporary state of the world, characterized by war, conflict, violence, and societal challenges. The question of whether the "Ghosts of the Nephilim" still haunt humanity suggesting an enduring concern about the nature of evil and darkness in the world.

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