Open Metalcast on indefinite hiatus

Just announced that Open Metalcast is going on indefinite
I have mixed feeling about this. On the one hand it's closing out a
chapter in my life that was really important for ~9 years. It was
something that I thought I would be doing for many more years to come.
And yet there's also the feeling that I need to focus on other things in
my life at the moment. I needed a break and that break turned into a
multi-year thing. Here's the rub though: I didn't really miss doing
episodes. I miss sharing the music, and I miss scraping the internet for
new music, but I don't miss thinking "It's another week, I need to put
together another episode". It started being too much, and started
overtaking time that I wanted to allocate to other things.

So this is closure for something that I've been thinking about for a
while now. I might start it up again when I have more of the mental
bandwidth, but for now putting it on the shelf is exactly the thing that
I need to do.

When I'm ready I'll pick it back up. But for now it's on to other

#misc #Adayinthelife

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