#Patrimoine_mondial_de_l_UNESCO #Art_pariétal #Peinture_rupestre #Algérie
Quand le hasard fait bien les choses, on découvre des merveilles...

Tassili N'ajjer :

aux sources des premières formes d’expressions artistiques et scripturaires signifiantes

Tassili N'ajjer, Gazelle couchée à Tin Taghrit. Linu

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Mystérieuses peintures rupestres de Tassili N'ajje

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Vue de la NASA :
This image is made from multiple observations by the Landsat 7 satellite in the year 2000. It uses a combination of infrared, near-infrared, and visible light to better distinguish between the park’s various rock types. Sand appears in shades of yellow and tan. Granite rocks appear brick red. Blue areas are likely salts. As the patchwork of colors suggests, the geology of Tassili n’Ajjer is complex. The plateau is composed of sandstone around a mass of granite dating from the Precambrian.

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Croquis des principales zones de gravures rupestres d'Afrique du Nord

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Sahara avant le désert

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