6502/6510 c64 assembler - fill2.asm
Version 2 with additional routines to clear the screen, end the program when runstop key (ESC) is pressed and colors for background, borders and text. original: jimjim
// fill2.asm
// fill the screen with the pressed key char
// used Assembler: Kick Assembler 5.24
.var getin=$ffe4 // GETIN kernal routine which checks for input
// 0 when no key is pressed
// see www.c64-wiki.de/wiki/KERNAL
// for example
.var screenmem=$0400 // a var for screen memory start (dec 1024)
.var cls=$e544 // kernal routine to clear the screen
.var black=$0 // color code for black
.var white=$1 // color code for white
.var bgcolor=$d020 // address for the screen background color
.var bordcolor=$d021 // address for screen border color
.var txtcolor=$286 // address for text color
BasicUpstart2(start) //KickAss function for BASIC start line, very helpful
*=$2000 // entrypoint for our asm routines, decimal 8192
// BASIC line will be 10 SYS 8192 ( = $2000 )
start: // the label BasicUpstart2 uses above.
// the entrypoint of our asm routine
lda #black // load color - with hash because we load a number, not an address
sta bordcolor // store black in the border color address
lda #black // load color
sta bgcolor // store black in background color address
lda #white // load color
sta txtcolor // store white in text color
jsr cls // clear the screen with cls kernal routine
ldx #$00 // clear x, offset
lda introtext,x // load text address in x
beq charloop // branch to charloop if text end has been reached (byte 0)
sta screenmem,x // store accu
inx // next char
jmp introloop // loop
charloop: // another label for the loop below
jsr getin // "jump to subroutine" GETIN in kernal
cmp #$00 // compare memory and accumulator
beq charloop // if cmp returns 0 then go back to loop start
cmp #$103 // cmp if Run/Stop is pressed (103), which is ESC on a PC
beq quit // if Run/Stop was pressed, go to quit (end program)
sec // set the carry flag, otherwise we dont get the char we pressed but the one below (H will become G etc.)
sbc #$40 // we have the ASCII value in our accumulator and need to convert it to the screen code value
// To do that, we sbc (SuBtract from accu with Carry) dec64 aka $40
ldx #$00 // load the x register with zero
sta screenmem,x // store the accu in screenmem with an offset of x. Works like a for/next loop
sta screenmem+255,x // part 2 of the screen which is 1000 chars wide and we can only store 255 in a register :)
sta screenmem+510,x // part 3 of the screen
sta screenmem+744,x // part 4 of the screen <- don't add 255 here, just use 744 (999-255) instead
inx // increase x
bne screenloop // branch to screenloop until zero. aka loop ;)
jmp charloop // jump to the input routine for the next char
quit: // another label, not used here, just a marker for 'program ends here'
jsr cls // clear the screen
rts // return to BASIC
introtext: // a label to let the program know where the text is stored
.text "press key to display, runstop to quit"
.byte 0
tools used:
* VS Code 1.66.2
* Vice GTK3, v3.6.1
* Kick Assembler 5.24
* C64Debugger (C64 65XE NES Debugger v0.64.58.6.win32)
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