Dissociating hydrogen toy model as explanation attempt for only seemingly two particle chaos where third particle acts as perturbation

(could be any surrounding charge distribution that is enough to add up over time (electron is extremely fast and undergoes a lot of periodic orbits in a very short amount of time))

https://www.beautifulmathuncensored.de/static/GlowScript/GlowScript.html (to enter the code on the left)

from vpython import *

scene.fullscreen = True

G = 100

# edit initial conditions here       
spheres = [
sphere(pos=vector(0,0,0),radius =.1,color=color.blue,charge=-1,mass=1,velocity=vector(0,-5,0),a = vector(0,0,0)),

def acceleration1on2(sphere2,sphere1):
    r = sphere2.pos - sphere1.pos
    r_mag = mag(r)
    normal_r = norm(r)
    g = ((G*sphere1.charge*sphere2.charge)/pow(r_mag,2))/sphere2.mass*normal_r
    return g

t = 0
dt = .01
while 1:
    for i in spheres:
        i.a = vector(0,0,0)
        soi = vector(0,0,0)
        for j in spheres:
            if i!=j:
                i.a = i.a + acceleration1on2(i,j)

    for i in spheres:
        i.velocity = i.velocity + i.a *dt
        i.pos = i.pos+i.velocity*dt
