Spreading the good word from WeMove.eu:


In a few days, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are going to vote on the European recovery plan. They are considering keeping fossil fuels out of it.

But lobbyists of fossil fuel industries are freaking out. They have upped their pressure on MEPs to get this money back and protect their outdated economic model which is destroying the planet.

I just told them to stand up for us in locking fossil fuel companies out of this recovery plan.

Send a tweet to MEPs to free us from fossil fuels: https://act.wemove.eu/campaigns/recovery?action=tweet

Send an email to MEPs to ban fossil fuel subsidies: https://act.wemove.eu/campaigns/recovery?action=mail

MEPs will decide in a few days how to vote, so it’s crucial that we contact them NOW. If we make this a huge issue on social media and in their inboxes, they’ll see that citizens are watching their votes closely.

Send a tweet to MEPs to ban fossil fuel subsidies in the recovery plan:

Send an email to MEPs to free us from fossil fuels:

#activism #EU #COVID16 #recovery #funding #subsidies

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