#guns femocide

- More than 45,000 females were killed by males from 1996 to 2020.
Information about the weapon used was available for 41,677 homicides. More than half of the
female victims were murdered with a firearm (53 percent or 22,279 out of 41,677). Among
those, the majority were shot with a handgun (72 percent or 15,935 out of 22,279). Among
females murdered with a firearm, 61 percent were killed by an intimate partner (13,683 out
of 22,279).

  • Women in the U.S. are predominantly killed by men they know, and largely by current or former intimate partners. Of all intimate partner female homicides in 2018, 92% of victims were killed by a man they knew, and 63% were killed by current husbands, boyfriends, or ex-husbands.

These staggering statistics demonstrate the misogyny behind these violent deaths — In the United States, like in so many countries across the world, women are being murdered because they are women.

The link between gender and violence in the U.S. becomes even more apparent when looking at the demographics of male homicides. Men are significantly more likely to be killed by a stranger than women; strangers kill 29% of male homicide victims compared to only 10% of female victims. And while it is true that some men are murdered by their female partners, intimate partner violence accounts for only about 5% of male homicides. Too often, these occur in the context of women acting in self-defense against their abusive male partners.
Gun violence & other risk factors
- The number of women killed in the U.S. is steadily rising— 2,997 women were murdered in 2019 compared to 1,691 women in 2014.

Firearms significantly contribute to the fatality of crimes related to intimate partner violence. Abusers with guns are 5 times more likely to kill their victims. Every month, an average of 70 women in the U.S. are shot and killed by an intimate partner.
While intimate partner violence is a global issue, the intersection between gun violence and intimate partner violence is uniquely American. In 2015, 92% of all women killed with guns in high-income countries were from the United States.

Undeniably, allowing abusers access to firearms dramatically increases the fatality of attacks against women. Simply owning a gun makes an abuser five times more likely to kill their partner, and using one to threaten or assault their partner makes the victim’s risk of being killed 20 times higher.
There are a variety of other factors that can increase the risk of femicide. Physically-abused women who are also suffering sexual violence are more than seven times more likely than other abused women to be killed; women who have been choked by their partner are seven times more likely to be killed than other abuse victims. Ultimately, the more red flags are present, the higher the risk of femicide.

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