Conservative overreach is backfiring in at least some states

Morning Digest: Poll shows California abortion amendment winning big. These states could follow suit

A new poll from UC Berkeley shows a ballot measure to amend California's constitution to explicitly enshrine the right to abortion and contraceptives passing by a landslide margin, with 71% of voters saying they support it and just 18% opposed. The numbers are similar to those from other recent surveys, reinforcing just how popular abortion rights are and pointing the way for other states to take similar action.

Two already are: Like their counterparts in the Golden State, Democratic lawmakers in Vermont voted to place an amendment on the November ballot to guarantee "personal reproductive autonomy," while activists in Michigan, who gathered a record number of signatures, are very close to qualifying a similar measure there...

... At the moment, Democratic lawmakers have sufficient numbers without needing any GOP votes to send an abortion rights amendment to voters in almost a dozen states. Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, New Mexico, Oregon, and Rhode Island could all do so right away (though likely not in time for this year), while Connecticut, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, and New York—which require passage in two sessions—would take a little longer.

Voters could also move forward themselves in several Republican-controlled states, including Arizona, Florida, Montana, and Ohio. (Data even suggests that Missouri and Nebraska could be amenable as well.)...

#Abortion #HumanRights #California #GOPOverReach