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A top polar scientist interviewed by the Russian Academy of Sciences says we need to prepare for serious global cooling, to begin by 2030-2035. Cites studies of Lake Baikal and historic climate epochs.

People's Voice here reports: "One of the world's top Arctic scientist's has spoken out to debunk the 'climate crisis' narrative" and #warns the #public that "the #Earth is actually about to enter a period of 'global #cooling.'"

According to leading polar scientist Andrey Fedotov of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), "the warming is about to end" and "The Earth is about to enter an 'ice age.'"

Cooling starts in 2030

The period of "unfavorable cold" will begin around 2030. Fedotov issued the warning in a statement published by the RAS, the country's leading scientific institution.

Fedotov said the warming is about to end and the cause is not humans. The Russian scientist says the cooling will be brought on by solar activity.

Natural cycles