Muffle the protest

#AaronBushnell #freepalestine

So I found Aaron Bushnell’s reddit and went through his comments/posts. That young man was well read and stable as they can be. Nothing in his writings pointed to someone who was “unstable” or “brainwashed”.

He held leftist and anarchist ideals. He belong to the ACAB subreddit. He recognized the evil of the US Military even though he himself was apart of it. He hated TERFS and called out fatphobia. He understood the dangers of white supremecy and the evils of capitalism.

He had a cat. He liked the show fleabag and played elden ring.

Apparently in his will he wants to leave any money in his name to palestinian relief funds. He was trying to find a new owner for his cat.

Rest in power Aaron Bushnell. The world won’t forget & we sure as fuck won’t let the media paint you out to be some crazy conspiracy theorist who had no idea what he was doing.
-from #murphmurphthejerk