"High-resolution, untethered haptic gloves using electroosmotic pump arrays".

The future of haptics in VR?

They say the entire system can fit on the hand and wrist including the electronics and batteries.

The haptic glove uses "high resolution shape arrays for each fingertip."

Each "haptic pixel is fluidically driven by an ultra small embedded electroosmotic pump."

The pumps are "solid state with no valves, meaning the only thing moving is the touch surface itself."

The feeling effects enabled by this include contact pressure when touching a virtual object, "fine-grain" contact sensations for example for the edge of a virtual box, ablitiy to feel individual violin strings, ability to feel virtual skin deformation, ability to feel virtual button springs, mechanical sliders, and so fourth, ability to distinguish virtual metal, woon grain, corduroy, and other textures, and "haptic animations" such as wind, mechanical vibration, water drops, and electrical shocks.

Fluid reality: High-resolution, untethered haptic gloves using electroosmotic pump arrays - Future Interfaces Group


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