Facebook bans health and conspiracy site Natural News (2019)

Facebook on Sunday removed the prominent health and conspiracy site Natural News from its platform and banned its incendiary founder from posting content.

In an email to Ars, a spokesperson for Facebook confirmed the removal and said only that it was over "violating our policies against spam." Under those policies, Facebook "do[es] not allow people to use misleading or inaccurate information to collect likes, followers, or shares." More specifically, it prohibits sites that "encourage likes, shares, or clicks under false pretenses," and those that "artificially increase distribution for financial gain," among other things.

Facebook’s decision comes just a day after The Daily Beast published a report into the wild, far-right conspiracy theories that have become staples on Natural News. ...

Old news from two years ago, but a useful pointer for those keeping tabs on NaturalNews. Or those unfamiliar with the site.

(There's a NaturalNews pod on Diaspora. I'm advocating all other pods refuse to federate with it. Barring that, block any NN profiles individually.)

