
Geisha mouse, settles to the lasting curvatures of time, the ambient nightfall, a wave purpose to have in consistent motion, exiled only to the easing arc, saloon passages, timely kits, those netted in amounting to the dusk. Silhouettes apertures, they consist in time, fortifying comely intuition, placing a shared aptitude in tautology, an exit the dissolving appearances have to ahold of nurture, the shared import of a forgone wrest, those impending energies.

The open cloudless skies, vale to the coveted indoctrination, spacious as the lasting encryption, bathing dusk to those informal dewdrops, patter to the consistency blue. Curvaceous time lauded the reflecting sunlight, amending tunes, infinite life shone indirectly through the lasting impressions of time inherent too the time spaciously divided to have a lover of inspiring blue.

#writing #painting #mypaint

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