Oh My Freaking God, That was the most #fun hour I ever had on the internet.

I joined a dating site 'Earthy Soul Mates' not because i am looking for a man to disturb my peace but because they are throwing a mega weekend do practically next door to me. Half of my friends are part of this group and I want to #crash #the #party
The group consist of permaculture freaks, Tai chi teachers, Midwifes, Shamans and their ilk. After much trepidation I entered an outrageous profile (something about wresting down a majestic eagle with my bare hands, thus averting the end of the world in 2012), but then I had to write something of my preference, the kind of mate I am (supposedly) looking for of course. So I wrote:

Thought I join this group for the craic. I like men of course, age doesn't matter, someone with proper ZZ Top kind of a beard and a wicked sense of humour will do for me.

And what a #hoot, beardies with a mean sense of humour crawled out of the woodwork instantly.

#brilliant #fun

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