#doodle #writing #mywork
**Doodle in Pink*
Paper Shedding. I noticed this doodle on a sheet of paper where I had been scribbling the raw basis of a poem. I cut it out.
"I know it is all a big, impossible mess. I get headaches trying to figure out what to do. I walk the floor over you. I can't sleep.
I'm a wreck. I can't shake the feeling. It's still a big shock to me that you even exist!! I would know you in the blink of an eye. It has shaken me to the core, and I've had to rethink all that I've thought about most everything."

No telling what that turned into, or what year it was. Hhahaha! Some things are just better left to myself. But first I have to begin with strong thoughts and feelings. Then, get it down, and get it down, to clear thoughts, with a feeling, then there's the spelling and grammar.