Ep – Fifteen

We sit the moon, name our linear binders, epochs to the treble starlight, once appearance, twice appearing static shimmery, those rounding features of moonlit junctions. Emblematic flora and humanities tonic plates, conspicuous rivers domains the times sensual contention, relic to war and swain, garden to mind and precious minerals, phosphorous or silica, we actual to the moon. Domain to reappearance, the lads sun arose, night fell with the ambient backslash, the theatre we upended to the future, they disarmed to rewrite then styles, instrumental cadences supported actual fractions, those intertwining gossamers shared threads of revision. The esteem funded catalyst lobbied as the swains, unexplained with expedience, nomenclature advanced in stylist foundations, all astute learnings to atomic harmony, sliding welfare to those allies.

Beta blocks never withstood advancement, Geisha mouse accounted to then a secondary moon, to thesis them a tidal patronage of silvery fissures, once systematic to the pregnant season’s. Gem placement the resilient geometric quantum atoms, those calculate winters prizing in homogenous seasons, reread the timeline of institutional impairment, the calculus subscribed to Nepal’s cat whom, lain the dormant supplement application. Estuaries of precious singularity, the subscription were valour to instrumentalist of piecemeal equality, forgeries of distraction made the war genuine, the fragmented one in recovery, sold aptitude by the declaration of a closing space, phosphorous silver silicon forecasts, all intermittent recovery news.

Geisha mouse aged with the acknowledging knowledge, pre-existing a prior to welfare the learned learner, a habitual approximation too social identity, brotherhood withstood to the founding thesis, all independent news is journaled with the same application, becoming news to the factual idolatry infirmed brotherhood. Conspicuous gratitude leaves the quantum failures for then global distractions, various seasonal attractions, prone to awaking cultural displacement, linage displacements the cost of intermediate forgeries, one moon, two expectations, founding insecurities in the familiar presentation, fashion rewards consumers of independent quest.

Two unforeseen circumstances in time and space, closures of restoration, fathoms in time, replications in near spatial starlit moons, two sequential sunsets, one made with linear time, the light intermittent of age. The other reclaiming the sunrise mornings, occupational of sundries nightfall, the same timeline existent, resilient wares in aboded, inflaming spectral journalist of war, coverage to the open camera lenses, fashion twixt the moon, wars fashion the twixt embody, regression for the infantile mother of manifold vicissitudes. ©️

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