"How Ukraine Unplugged from Russia and joined Europe's power grid with unprecedented speed." "One of the primary challenges of interconnecting grids is synchronizing them, which is what Ukrenergo, Moldelectrica and ENTSO-E accomplished last week. Synchronization is essential for sharing electricity. The task involves aligning the frequencies of every energy-generation facility in the connecting systems. Frequency is like the heartbeat of the electric grid. Across Europe, energy-generating turbines spin 50 times per second in near-perfect unison. For Ukraine and Moldova to join in, their systems had to be adjusted to match that rhythm. 'We can't stop the power system for an hour and then try to synchronize,' Deane says. 'This has to be done while the system is operating.' It is like jumping onto a moving train or a spinning ride at the playground: the train or ride is not stopping, so you had better time the jump perfectly."

The article doesn't go into detail as to exactly how they do that. It mentions a list of European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity requirements but doesn't go into detail as to what they are or how they were met. I was thinking of not posting this but decided to as its an interesting fact that Ukraine switched power grids.

How Ukraine Unplugged from Russia and joined Europe's power grid with unprecedented speed
