Off grid solar and just did an extra large load of laundry in the washer. I have one of those efficient front loading types and it only used 15 gallons of water. Since I'm off grid, I currently get my water from a nearby town at about $0.20 a gallon. So... doing this laundry cost me $3.00. Now it's in the dryer, the sun is setting, but the batteries are supplying the 5000 watts for the dryer and should take half an hour to completely dry.

I'm saving so much money as my utility bill is pretty much only the water I get from town. I have plans to build a cheap rain water system and water treatment process. I used to run a water treatment plant and know how to do this safely. There's a lot of work to make sure water is safe and why it's not a typical household thing...yet...

I charged my EV three times today after doing errands and getting a hot lunch. All that electricity is pretty much free for the next twenty years when I may have to refresh the electronics and batteries. They are the long lasting lithium iron phosphate batteries. My entire 10KWh system only cost $10,000 and was pretty much plug together. The hardest part was unpacking the pallet of panels. They weigh about 70 pounds each, just like thick drywall. I just laid them on the ground and plugged them other in a 11S2P configuration for 500 volts at 20 amps.

The system is amazingly efficient and doesn't generate significant heat and the batteries remain cool under full load. If they were lead acid batteries, they would get hot, might generate hydrogen gas, and wouldn't be long before one cell would bring them all down. This is why lead acid batteries are only used for tiny systems. They are a big fire hazard when going big.

Free electricity. It keeps me toasty in the winter and cold as I want in the summer. Always a surplus and I have plans to build waterfalls and the pumps will burn off the extra energy in a nice relaxing water show.

#solar #offgrid #free #energy