The floating #SEO garbage patch known as #Google

The internet used to be very information dense. It was built from the ground up by specialists and enthusiasts, educational and governmental institutions, and groups of like-minded individuals. It was an infinite library of knowledge and people.

Then it became commercialized and commodified. Entire industries popped up to shovel mass-produced crap to masses of people through #Amazon, Google, #Facebook, etc. Forums became subreddits, blogs became tweets, homepages became Facebook profiles. And we’ve hyper-optimized the attention economy to keep us hooked on clickbait headlines and 30 second videos. The Web just bears no resemblance to what it was 10-20 years ago, and web search results are a reflection of that.

Maybe there’s a way to restore the internet of old. But that seems like putting the genie back in the bottle. More likely, IMO, something will eventually replace the Web, and Web search along with it. Or will Google be the next #Microsoft and cut off the oxygen supply of every viable alternative?