A Space Alien Cat's Person of the Year suggestions
Several Person of the Year candidates were mentioned by others. person, group, idea, or object “for better or for worse… has done the most to influence the events of the year”?
Dr. Anthony Fauci, healthcare workers and SARS-CoV2 were three that had occurred to me.
- Patient Zero, whomever that was.
- The WHO.
- Front-line / key / essential workers.
- Denialsts.
- Tucker Carlson / Sean Hannity / Rupert Murdoch / Newscorp.
- Charles Koch. He read his brother's obituary, a sneak preview of his own might be justice.
- Disinformation.
- The Plutonomy.
- American Voters.
- The Mercers.
- Black Lives Matter.
- George Floyd.
- Catastrophic Risk.
- Societal Dysfunction.
- Xi Jinping.
- A changing Earth.
Honorable mentions: Joe Biden, AOC. Their time will come.
Previously: POTY?
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