Posted on December 3, 2023 by #whitecatgrove

"I sing the prayers, you turn your face to me
night-eyed, ears fanned, and you listen. A stamp
for a stanza, your hoof against the earth,
regarding this strange phenomena:
a woman singing a prayer to you
as the oak leaves drift in their gentle rain.

My father shoots deer, stuffs the freezer
with them, my mother cooks them in a stew.
I sing to them and let them be, and so
we have a better relationship.
The turkey did a gentleman’s strut
outside the kitchen and I admired, charmed,

waiting for the butler to present
a calling card on a silver tray.
I eat flesh as health requires, but I don’t
gobble the world, I let the other be
offer up songs and an admiring eye.
Sometimes they sing back and stamp their feet."

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