Not Sure What To Do Regarding Roe v. Wade? #Abortion Access Front Can Help You Take Real #Action

"On July 17th, Abortion Access Front is hosting an Operation Save Abortion virtual training. An “onboarding into the movement” as Carwile called it, is a “supercharged all-day training experience that will be live-streamed” to each and every person who registers. Starting at 11 am, the trainings will be an educational house party of sorts, teaching attendees how to protect abortion rights through volunteering, talking to politicians, and connecting people to resources. “We want to have this day-long training as sort of an orientation to the movement. So people can use that as a time to figure out where they specifically can fit in, instead of trial and error…” Carwile said.

The training is for anyone who wants to get involved, and it’s free. There will be activities to do with friends, events to add to your calendar, and lots of information on how to best get involved. But that’s just the beginning. The main objective of the July 17th training is to educate people around the country and send them where their skills are most valuable. Anyone can get involved, as long as they have a computer and an internet connection. “After July 17, people have access to a whole sort of activism calendar of the ways they can plug in virtually or in-person in their community, and that’s where they kick off their work.” Through the Operation Save Abortion training, attendees will get access to a calendar of upcoming trainings, upcoming events, and a list of the exact groups that most need volunteers. Ultimately, the movement is most effective when everyone knows exactly what to do and the Operation Save Abortion Training allows for people to have direction and be more effective.

If you’re having feelings of restless uncertainty, AAF can help you take action. Signing up for the Operation Save Abortion Training, spreading the word, and inviting your friends is a great way to do something tangible and truly helpful. AAF was made for this—get the information from the experts. You can sign up for the Operation Save Abortion Training here, subscribe to the newsletter here, and the Podcast can be found on Apple Podcasts or Spotify."

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