When #whitePrivilege descends into Madness of Fascist Whispering and coup monger hand holding : a conversation_

from : https://pluspora.com/posts/da7640d055f70139e72f005056264835

When #whitePrivilege descends into Madness of Fascist Whispering and Coup Monger hand -holding: a conversation


I read your blog and wrote a response which tries to treat you with maximum charity and kindness, and good faith.
To do so certain things must be sacrificed ( like Occams razor. good sense, rationality. )

I see no space for comments on your blog .

i am going to offer you maximum Charity ( even though you have not earned it with me ); but to do so requires I assume such a high level of gross ignorance to grant you full innocence . Like someone who landed on earth last November. ( as opposed to being a fascist sympathizer or even qcult member )

Maybe it should be a Joke!

Maybe you should claim it after the fact as a Joke or performance art piece but thats the ONLY way it functions without “giving aid OR comfort to our enemies” during an insurrection Literal words of the 14th amendment.

Would you really sacrifice al that you worked for , your ENTIRE online brand, reputation, artist name , for a Phony Unity with undeserving people , who dont care about you at all ( or even being in unity? )

If the #14thAmendment which empowers EMPATHY into law , giving all people “due Process of law” , were fully applied right now ( section 2 and 3 ) by your own words , you would cast yourself outside the circle into rebellion, losing full rights to office as a citizen.

Why would you do that?

is being a free American that superficial , you would wad it up like tissue paper for a shitty song and clicks?

This is absurd, isnt it?

What youve said and done is absurdist, and also makes you the joke, of playing the part of performative guileless naïve person ; a dunce, open to meaningless superficial propagandized performatized emotions of fascists, for the purpose of naked manipulation.
< which is like their favorite THING !!>

Either you are poorly satirizing that , or accidentally embodying it out of superficial ignorance .

< THE WISEST thing you could do is simply delete it acknowledging that you spoke before you understood the subject deeply enough. to have an opinion, and consider who you hurt . People Keep telling you, why not listen? After all, I read your blog post first, before. I listened. >

It implies you politically awoken last month ( and the simplest answer that others jumped to is that you are a white supremacist’ sympathizer,

>>>>>SINCE thats LITERALLY what you are doing and performing publicly as art.<<<<

No one is Misjudging you or imagining this. This is what you are doing. LITERALLY.

if you dont know HOW to do art which casts yourself in that hotseat: a white supremacist fascist coup quisling sympathizer; in a moment when your countrymen are LITERALLY DYING By 10,000 people a day , Then dont do that!! No one said that would be easy. No one asked you to either.

Thats an incredibly tricky thing thing to do if you are highly educated on the subject, and had a vast storehouse of antiracist, antifascist goodwill people could attribute to you .

But if you are just leaning on white privilege to be the fascists whisperer, you should let THE trained antifascists do that. Thats not your job or expertise.

In this Fragile moment of history, when the Forces of Literal fascism have been operating and gathering under the thinnest of veneers : “Free speech” “save confederate statues” even “straight Pride” ; when half a MILLION Americans needlessly died from neglect and denial of a deadly virus,;

when those same Forces , after attacking Multiple cities, threatening multiple state houses , failing to kidnap the Michigan Governor;
Yet all the while for 5 straight years, smarmy LYING FUCK Centrist Liberal-Media, ThinkPieces Keep coming out, over, and over, ( NY times, Washing Post) In God damned tidal waves, attempting to “Humanize” ( Normalize) the New NeoNazis , to “understand them” ;
to lull us to the threat of coup and racial violence;
to gaslight us to the organized militia threats of the 3% , Proudboys, the Oathkeepers;
—all the while continually Misinforming people of the socioeconomic grievance ( None ) while Lying as to the actual class nature of the Threat < Boat parades arent from the Poor > .

After all of these , and >>they Finally show their True colors<< attempt to do an internal coup for fascist President , To end our Republic ?

You want to understand their “sad feelings” , as if they havent been shown and told over and over what they felt and why?

< what are you five years old? >

After all this , why on gods green earth , would you choose to focus on the superficial feelings of sadness , from ACTUAL fascists , who Urged in written documents a Military’s Coup < Mike Lindell > failing to hurt more human beings, unless it was
(1) an attempt to be absurd?

(2) a statement of gross, vast and deep levels of current historical ignorance and blindness

(3) You are attempting to cast yourself as the guilless dunce on purpose

(4) You are just literally asking people to sympathize with all of the above , instead of the victims.

Like the capitol officer murdered by being speared with a flag ground grave is still soft —as are numerous people killed from proud boys and white supremacist violence this past year. — and you ask of us EMPATHY not toward the suffering victims , but the failed perpetrators licking their wounds for round 2?

< what is wrong you, or your Goodness compass? Get it recalibrated asap >

Bad person is sad. So what?.

bad person is sad after bad plans fail?

GOOD. Be happy.

This isnt hard to understand.

Have Empathy: Not with the WOLF portending to be grandma who wants a second bite, you schmuck!
Have empathy with the families of the consumed and suffering. #Texans without Heat, or water or electricity for Kidney Dialysis machines; The families of those half Million dead.

The other 300,000 Americans sure to follow them to the grave by years end < maybe YOU, Maybe me. Definitely someone we know. >

Ps: if you are a fascist sympathizer in (recent ) history, One in INTENT;
a fascist wannabee, Cheeto Shitler bootlicker, please just say so, NOW , so we can stop wasting any more of my time

Adam Black

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