M-tem um sonhu
Um sonhu grándi2
Réi di bunitu
Xeiu di lus

M-sendi um véla
Um véla bránku
Tra-m di sukuru
Librâ-m di krus

Brasâ-m pa mi ku bo bem dánsa

Parsê-m um stréla
Stréla briliánti
E mostrâ-m kaminhu
Pa-m tchiga na mi

M-odja mundu ku álma
Álma jigánti
Na tom di distinu
Nha kántu é ti fim

Brasâ-m pa mi ku bo bem dánsa

I had a dream
A marvellous dream
So beautiful3
And full of light

I lit a candle
A white candle
It pulled me from the darkness
And saved me from the Cross

Dear sky,
take me in your arms and dance with me

A star appeared to me
Shining brightly
And showed me the way
That led me deep inside myself

I’ve looked at the world through the eyes of the soul
A gigantic soul
With a view toward destiny
My song will echo on

Dear sky,
take me in your arms and dance with me
#Music #Lyrics #Letra


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