Amid the new war/escalation/whatever between Armenia and Azerbaijan, shout out to the ones (no matter where they are), who do not find themselves neither among bloodthirsty, far right, hypocrite nationalists nor self-proclaimed leftists, but in reality, elitist peace-building programs, that are nothing more than fancy dinners and trips and so on and so forth, projects oftentimes coordinated far from the conflict zones (even when led by ethnic Armenians and/or Azerbaijanis), board members of which never take necessary-risks finding all the excuses simply not to admit how hesitant they are to step out of their comfort zone. Shout out to all the professionals, especially journalists and filmmakers who refuse to write an article/shoot a film for regional media platforms aimed at dialogue and conflict transformation today and support right-wing initiatives/language/ideologies tomorrow.

A lot can be written, but does it make sense?

All my gratitude to the journalists, documentary filmmakers, initiatives and all people who are honest and open in their actions and intentions, and who prioritize professionalism, humanity, love and understanding no matter how tough and dark everything seems to be.

And yes, I am devastated, angry and exhausted, and I have the right to feel so!!!
