It came up in a conversation earlier today, and I felt it only appropriate to verbalise it here with my friends.

Every person, no matter what, will save another person's life, and the person who was saved may never know who that person was.

Now I am sure I am hearing doubts, but you want to know how this is? That bag of blood donated can save a person in need of a transfusion. That smile you showed a person walking down the sidewalk can save them from jumping to their death. The dollar you give to that homeless person can be what was needed for food or drink to keep them going. That person you gave a ride to could have found their way at the destination. That person you called 911 for could survive.

Some may save 10 lives, some may save more than 100. But every single person will save 1 life. All it takes is that one kind action. And you never know which one did it. So why not do many?

And to those who were saved? You'll never know who did it. It could be that person you judged. Or that person you scowled at. So why not be thankful, because they just may have.

#randomthoughts #kindness

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