The State of #Astrology as We Enter 2024
© Jennie Thomas - published by The Astrological Journal, 2023 / The Astrological Association of Great Britain / 03.01.2024

..."Rather than pigeonholing practitioners of astrology into predefined categories, it’s more enlightening to celebrate what unites them. This unity offers valuable insights into astrology’s potential evolution. The prevailing perspective among astrologers resonates with the belief that the cosmos itself is sacred. This profound cosmic worldview sees the universe as an interconnected web of life where all elements synchronise and coexist in harmony. In this light, astrology naturally emerges as a framework for comprehending these intricate mechanisms.

Patrick Curry encourages us to revisit astrology’s origins as a divination practice and to grasp its essence as a physically embodied, socially embedded and ecologically rooted discipline. He argues that astrology has made compromises over time, adapting to various worldviews such as Aristotelian naturalism and Christian theology, ultimately losing touch with its divinatory nature. Curry suggests that the bid to gain mainstream acceptance has led astrology into an unnatural space, detached from its intrinsic essence. He posits that astrology, as a divinatory practice, can rekindle the enchantment of humanity by reminding us that our existence extends beyond the terrestrial realm, encompassing a cosmic dimension. Enchantment, in this context, refers to experiencing the world as profoundly meaningful, significant, and mysterious, including our own place within it.

The confluence of scientism with the ecological crisis, largely driven by human actions, has stripped the world of its enchantment, leaving us yearning for reconnection.

High or philosophical, astrology has languished in obscurity for centuries, yet the resurgence of astrology offers a glimmer of hope for its revival. While a complete return to high astrology may be improbable in our current secular society, the evidence suggests that astrology can provide a philosophical framework to make sense of the universe when science falls short in addressing the divine. Rather than viewing astrology as a mere parasite, leeching off other belief systems, this research indicates that for many respondents, astrology plays a central role, serving as the host and offering profound philosophical underpinnings.

Eccles’ vision of astrology as a vital component of a burgeoning neo-paganism is reinforced by this research. If neo-paganism evolves into a genuine religion or moral philosophy with a unique way of life, astrology stands poised to provide the symbolic and philosophical guidance it currently lacks. Thus, the potential for high astrology to be reborn, albeit in a modified form, becomes increasingly tangible, with its cosmic perspective resonating with individuals seeking deeper connections, meaning and a sense of belonging in our increasingly disenchanted world. While the roots of astrology’s resurgence may draw from diverse religious backgrounds, its growth appears most vibrant among those with denominational affiliations. However, this religiosity seems to slumber in a state of dormancy, tinged with growing dissatisfaction with traditional religious doctrines.:...

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