#Krittika is the third #nakshatra in the series of 27 nakshatras. It’s a cluster of 6 stars and lives in both Aries and Taurus. It is symbolized by sharp objects, thus displaying both creative and destructive abilities.
Represented by fire, Agni is the presiding deity and ruling planet #Sun, people born under the star are of a fiery disposition and have an adventurous spirit.
They search for novel experiences and information to keep themselves updated. Perfection is what they prefer in their works and are sharp critics.
They also have hidden nurturing and nourishing characteristics that are generally hidden from the world
Astrological Range: Ranges from 26.40 degrees in the Aries sign to 10.00 degrees in Taurus sign
Nakshatra Number: 3
Gender: Female
Symbol: Razor, Axe, or Flame
Presiding Deity:
Controlling/Ruling Planet: Sun
Ruling Deity of Ruling Planet: Shiva
Shakti: Dahana Shakti – Burning
Caste: Brahmana
Nature: The Sharp and Soft (Mixed)
Gana: Rakshasa (Demon)
Body Varāhamihira: Hips, loins, waist
Body Parashara: Eyebrows
Rashi/Zodiac: Aries Sign (Mesha)
Marriage: Not Auspicious
Translation: Cutter – The one who cuts
Beejakashra for 4 pada’s: Ah, Ee, Oo, Ay
Lucky letters: A, I, U & V
Lucky Stone: #Ruby
Lucky Color: #White
Lucky or Favourable Numbers: 1
Common Name of Associated Tree: #Fig
Botanical Name of Associated Tree: Ficusracemosa
Astronomical Name: Eta Tauri
Dosha: #Kapha
Guna: #Rajas
Element: #Earth
Bird Name: #Peacock
Yoni/Animal Symbol: #Female #Sheep
Career: Medicine, Engineering, Draftsmanship, Business related to yarn, artistic goods, and medicines.

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