The irrepressible #GeorgeGalloway speaks on his mid week show about Britain 'going to the dogs' with no one at the helm to help the population - no political leadership from either of the two main parties - inflation steadily rising and predicted to be 18% in January... most of the population facing a dramatic fall in the quality of life - unrest growing on a scale not seen for many decades....

the observations on the general state of Britain start around 23 mins.... the video begins discussing Imran Khan and #Pakistan, onto the Zelensky/Ukraine situation, then onto the invasion of the bogus refugees, 60% of them young male Albanians being put up in hotels at £80 a night... George pulls no punches and rips into the useless politicians who are not doing their job + are letting everyone down... providing no proper leadership what so ever... he touches on the uselessness of Western leaders and other related things - including the assassination of Darya Dugina -

(the quality of the video drops dramatically after a while and I think this is one of YouTube's little tricks that they use for commentary 'they' disapprove of... the sound and visuals goes out of synch but you can still follow it ok...) -

The #Galloway #Show #19
