Defaulting Is Unconstitutional and Illegal

It is specifically prohibited in the 14^th^ Amendment, Section 4.

The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.

The government of the United States must pay all its obligations. It has no legal right not to. If the US Treasury does not pay up, the US Marshalls are bound by law to arrest the Treasury Secretary.

The so-called debt limit is unconstitutional and completely unenforceable.

Interestingly, since the January 6^th^ insurrection, that bit about suppressing insurrection is once again relevant.

There is a pending lawsuit which, if decided in accordance with the Constitution, will prohibit any attempt to enforce the debt limit.

If any of us receiving Social Security benefits are not paid on time, there will certainly be a class action lawsuit, and I would enthusiastically join it. When I was in the US Navy, we sued the Navy for not paying us a bonus promised to us when we enlisted, that Congress later defunded. We won in the US Supreme Court. We got our bonus.

#debt-limit #default #national-debt #congress #debt-crisis


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