A tiny "news" morsel. An appetizer. A factlet. Meant to cheer you up, but nothing else.
Republicans are in 'intellectual collapse' as they push bans on everything that scares them
FTA "The conservatives don't have the confidence that their ideas can be sold on the basis of presenting them as ideas. They have decided that we can't convince people to do what we want and live by our religion, so we will tell the federal government to enforce it. I don't like this book or drag shows. The thing that I feel uncomfortable with, I don't feel confident that I can convince people to come to my side, so I need the power of federal government to ban the things that make me uncomfortable."
Kinda sums up fascism: I don't like your ideas, so I will use force to ban them.
Talk about "snowflakes".
#Republicans #Idiots 3Insecure #Fascists