I've been a single issue voter since 2004 on the courts. The undoing of a GOP gerrymander so bad they even had supermajority in one house of the legislature even though the Democrats won the majority of the votes shows the power of that. If more people voted like that for POTUS in recent years we would still have Roe. We would still be able to enact gun control laws like we had until the early-2000s. We would not have resurgence of systemic disenfranchisement of minority voters throughout the country. We would not have had the Wisconsin gerrymander or comparable ones in states like North Carolina long ago. My entire life SCOTUS has been right of center and trending further right with each year. It took a sharp turn right in 2017 thanks to Trump winning the presidency. Until SCOTUS and the federal judiciary are balanced and that balanced state exists long enough for the results to percolate down into real effects I will never be able to vote for the Republican candidate for POTUS or Senate even if there was some magic wand resurgence of moderate Republicanism of mid-20th century. Voting does matter. Elections have consequences for you whether you vote in it or not. Get out and vote. Vote Democratic Party to get these courts fixed and to help us continue moving in the right direction again. #uspoli #scotus #Election2024
Wisconsin governor signs new state legislative maps into law, ending a GOP gerrymander