- This: #antiracist vs "not racist".

If you want to start on that education, I really recommend reading "So You Want To Talk About Race" by Ijeoma Oluo.
I've previously recommended "White Fragility" by Robin DiAngelo, which was good as an initial bridge - a white person talking to white people why they should care to be antiracist. But she's since turned that into a whole white savior consultant business, which is gross.
Ijeoma Oluo though? Her words as another woman of color gave me breathing space. She wrote all the things that I'm too exhausted to bring up with my white friends anymore. She wrote that, so the rest of us BIPOC don't have to anymore - it's a book of empowerment like that, in a big way.

And this is why I implore everyone to read that book, even if you need "White Fragility" as a stepping stone first.

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