here follow's my reply/reaction to insane curiosity's bit on #astrology, which i found counter-compelling, undermining of their credibility, epistemologically and rhetorically empty, damaging to #science, to the noosphere, to #curiosity and the study of the universe...

"Insane", indeed. "Curiosity", where?
easy to disprove, this vide asserts, but then presents influences, and proclaims no influence.

this is the most absurd irrational dogma.
even then when asserting only sun and moon have influence (contrary to the prior assertion there's no influence), misses the influences of the planets... consider, even just, e.g., where the barycenter of jupiter and the sun's orbit. ... no influence on us, hrm? and tides only effect the water in the oceans, pay not attention the effect on us? madness. that we can see the light and look, and can forecast tides and adjust our plans accordingly, seems to escape the attention of those who assert in absolute terms in absolute certainty no influence. instead of asserting it's easy to prove there's no influence, along with it's never been proven to the contrary, please do, go ahead and disprove it. to do so, would involve studying what's been dismissed with apparent no investigation beyond presumption. to assert something's not there, because it has not been seen, because it has not been looked for, is not science. please, do go forth and science the heck out of astrology.

also the generalised strawmen of what astrology is, and what astrologers do, likewise undermining of credibility and integrity. intellectual fail, most high. cart before the horse. explanations to fit belief. shallow examples given that do not disprove anything. non-sequitors and other fallacies abound.

also appears to not be familiar with the diversity of schools of thought / lineages of astrology. poor show, poor basis, to attempt proclaim it all absolute bunk.
this too seems insane, that when finding some error, instead of offering correction and refinement of theory, declares everything of the entire field of study, including the field of study itself, utter bunk. XD the urgent reflexive eagerness to throw the baby out with the bathwater, perplexes me. if scientific minded, one is open minded and enquiring, not presumptive and judgemental. to jump from one lack of critical thinking, to the other, is a painful epistemological stasis error to watch. especially when spitting slanders hypocritically.
and then to cite those figure at the end... eesh. why? to further show your hand and hang yourself? XD please take your scientism cult away from science and stop calling it science, and stop effectively proclaiming a monopoly on truth that's not to be questioned while professing to question and encourage questioning. go question more. go prove what you claim is easy to prove. go learn. go rediscover curiosity. as one of my fave scientists from history said [paraphrasing], "stfu and measure." ;D