Don't get me wrong!

I am absolutely in favor of all the hoopla around #Covid-19.

In fact, I absolutely love the #lockdowns, the trampling of human rights, suspension of constitutions, wholesale slaughter of small business. Love em or hate em, but the mega-corps and their puppet govs have almost flawlessly leveraged a rather lame opportunity to implement a doctrine of terror. #Society is fracturing from within. People are afraid of each other. #Hatred is off the scale.

You might think that sucks. And maybe it does for you. But not for me!

I'm rich!

I don't need to work. although I do (in entertainment), for fun, and because I get an excuse to meet celebs. I giggled myself sick when I looked at my investment account statement. Hey, don't go thinking borders, ritualistic testing, isolating, home arrest and tracking apply when one flies private. And wow, flying is such a pleasure now. No more, "we're 27 for takeoff, behind that 747-400" choking on enough unburned kerosene to pickle a horse. Nope, it's just taxi to the button and we're off to some tropical paradise.

This covid (I don't even know what to call it, and I don't really care: charade, cover-up for some major ooops, economic reset, sociological experiment, alien invasion, bad cold, zombie apocalypse, or total cluster-fu*k) is also incredibly good for the planet! I have clients in tropical paradise, which I absolutely must visit... you know, vid-chat is so plebeian (and eavesdroppable), and seeing the reefs recover, the beaches empty, roads and abandoned resorts and hotels growing over, is heartwarming.

Whether intentional or not, the rich (I mean, those a lot richer than me) can't really get any richer. What they have been doing is extending debt to keep their production/wealth growing with the promise of "pay me later, cuz I know you can't pay me now." It's been an effective business model, but it's gotten to the point that there is no way in hell that debt means anything or has value, because it's impossible to pay it off. There's just not that much money in the known universe. So what happens? Scuze me: happened! Money became worthless, while real things haven't. Producing real tangible things means paying people with money, which is worthless, so who cares? To do something, to something real, like a resource which isn't worthless and costs the producer money, to produce something nobody needs, wants, or can afford, thus, making it and the tangible resource that went into it worthless.

What it comes down to is: it is cheaper to pay you with worthless money to sit at home and watch TV. It may just save the planet, too. Leaving it all uncrowded and fresh and green for people like me who can afford it. Something about bread and circuses comes to mind from a horribly boring history class in uni. As much as they try to make you hate your existence for needing the dole to live another day, don't let it get you. Government hand-outs are subsistence based to make you hate your life. Really, money is pretty much worthless and it wouldn't cost govs much of anything to shovel it out, except for a dangerous erosion of your self loathing, fear, paranoia and compliance. So, it's about keeping you fed, quiet, compliant, cowed in fear, and watching NetFlix. Yes, yes, yesssss, I know. The more you do, the happier the planet, and the richer my clients (and me).

Covid-19, no matter what you call it, it's just a win-win opportunity that keeps on giving!

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