The Waeve - Kill Me Again
4:08 min music video
#music ##TheWaeve

When asked for a list of albums that inspired The Waeve in an interview with BrooklynVegan, Coxon named #TalkTalk's Laughing Stock, King Crimson's In the Court of the #CrimsonKing, #Gong's Camembert Electrique, #IrmaThomas's The Soul Queen of New Orleans, Van der Graaf Generator's Still Life, and Martin Carthy's Right of Passage; and Dougall named Broadcast's Tender Buttons, Fairport Convention's Unhalfbricking, Young Marble Giants's Colossal Youth, and Penguin Cafe Orchestra's Signs of Life. In another interview, Coxon specifically discussed the influence of progressive rock on the album, saying that, "if it wasn't for King Crimson or Van Der Graaf Generator there may not have been saxophone on the album or certain attitudes towards organ sounds," while also naming Gong, #RobertWyatt, #MatchingMole, C#aravan, and #KevinAyers. [Wikipedia]

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