Going to get a little political here, to avoid derailing another person's post.

Student Loans

We've banned certain predatory loan practices, like setting less than interest minimums, except for student loans.
If someone buys frivolous things, then realizes they can't afford them, they can have the debt discharged through bankruptcy. But if they try to improve their skills and knowledge with a college education, and find the promised jobs aren't there after graduation, good luck with that.
We have credit limits to help prevent people from getting loans they couldn't possibly pay back, except for student loans.
You can't drink until you're 21 because young adults aren't responsible enough, but we allow teenagers to sign their financial futures away through student loans.
Colleges tout job placement numbers that aren't quite real, and advertise the wonderful average wages graduates earn, but you don't learn the difference between average and median until that statistics class...
We expect students to understand what they are getting into, but personal finances are not taught in grade school, nor required in high school. I've heard, "parents should teach their kids finances" but in the real world, most parents don't know finances to be able to teach their kids.
An excellent computer in 2000 was $2,000. I'm writing this on a laptop thousands of times more powerful that costs half that price.
Colleges now charge over double what they did then. Why is it getting more expensive instead of cheaper when our educational tools are cheaper?
Where is the money going? Not to the teachers. I had a teacher who drove on bald tires because they didn't have the funds to replace them.

Colleges prey on the uneducated.

Student loan companies prey on the disadvantaged.

President Biden needs to fulfill his promise and forgive all or part of the student debt. At the same time, we need protection from loan shark practices that are punishing the people who work hard and try to achieve more. Fix the educational system so we don't end up with this student loan crisis again.
#education #politics #finance

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